Integrative support for students with disabilities and DSA
Promoting inclusion and success in studies

The Integration and Support Desk for students with disabilities and DSA (Specific Learning Disorders) has as its main goal to provide comprehensive and personalized support to students who need it.
The purposes of the Desk are multiple:
- Assist students with disabilities from the time of enrollment until the end of the course of study, supplementing specific educational needs and encouraging participation in courses;
- Develop ad hoc compensatory and dispensatory tools to encourage active participation in the learning process;
- Monitor the course of study through personalized meetings, identifying individual needs of an educational and psychological nature in itinere;
- Mediate the learning process between the student and faculty, evaluating tailored interventions that enable increased autonomy and full integration.
Students who access the DSA service are granted dispensatory measures for taking exams, such as extended time for taking them or use of concept maps.
The adoption of these dispensatory measures is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering the actual incidence of the disorder on the required performance, ensuring that the student’s learning path is not differentiated in objectives from others.
To benefit from the services of the DSA Desk, it is necessary to submit a written request attaching certification of the diagnosis (not older than 3 years).
The DSA service request and medical document can be sent to
Do you have any questions?
Contact us: we will be happy to provide you with further information.