

Orientation: Which course to choose?

As you will see, you have several options that can help you explore Campus Ludes and find the study path that best suits your needs.
Do not hesitate to contact us for information or to make an appointment.
The Welcome Ludes team is here for you!


Throughout the year, we organize Open Days during which our dedicated staff will be happy to show you the services available to students, study programs and spaces dedicated to lessons, laboratories, the library, clinical practice, refreshments and study. You will also have the opportunity to meet professors and students who are already attending the Campus and who will be happy to tell you about their experience of life on Campus.

To participate in an Open Day write an email:


If you prefer a personalized meeting, both by telephone and in person on campus, with a manager of the welcome office, please write us an email or give us a call.


If you wish to come to Lugano to visit the Campus in person, we will be happy to welcome you. To organize your visit, please contact us by email.


If you cannot physically go to the Campus but still want to visit it, we offer a customized virtual visit option. You will be able to book an appointment online to receive all the necessary information on the educational offer, as well as on the structure and organization of the Campus.

To make an appointment for the Virtual Tour, please contact us by email