Visas and residence permits

Residence Permit Procedure

Guide for international students.

Students of foreign nationality (non-Swiss) who intend to reside in Switzerland should apply for a Residence Permit for the purpose of “Study in Switzerland.”

Guidance on the procedure for obtaining the permit can be found on the official website:

For information and support on the Permit to Residence application procedure, please contact the “student careers” office at
Our team is at your disposal to provide you with all the necessary information and answer your questions regarding the procedure, providing the necessary support to ensure proper and easy processing of the Residence Permit.
We would like to remind you of the importance of carefully following the guidance provided by the State and starting the application procedure for the Residence Permit in a proper time in order to ensure your regular stay in Switzerland during your study period.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us: we will be happy to provide you with further information.

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