Campus Ludes is resolutely committed to the promotion of assurance and the relentless refinement of quality in all spheres of its activities, which form the foundation of the realization of its Mission.
For this, the Campus has developed a structured system aimed at achieving institutional goals, with an intense focus on the quality of processes and results, as well as on meeting the needs of all key stakeholders involved in Campus activities.
In order to achieve its goals, Campus Ludes concretizes its vision of Quality Assurance in perfect consistency with federal and European regulations related to accreditation and quality assurance.
Our Quality Assurance Service carefully oversees Campus Quality Assurance procedures, focusing particularly on processes related to Teaching, Research and Services.
The quality system assumes the crucial role of liaison with other quality actors, accurately managing internal and external information flows and providing indispensable support to the other players in charge of Campus Quality verification. In this dynamic environment, we are firmly committed to creating an excellent academic environment, reflecting the high quality of our standards through continuous assessment processes and constant improvement.
Finally, the Campus promotes dialogue among academic stakeholders and puts in place all planning, implementation, verification and action processes for continuous improvement of all processes.
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